Paul's Travel Pictures

St. Augustine Florida 2005
Pictures from our day trip to Saint Augustine FL, the nation's oldest city.

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St. Augustine Ice Cream Shop
Tandil Buenos Aires

Castillo De San Marcos
St. Augustine is called the "Ancient City" because it is the oldest city in the American nation. Saint Augustine was founded 42 years before Jamestown, an English colony and 55 years before the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock. Some of the main attractions that you should check out if you travel to St. Augustine are the Castillo De San Marcos, the Fort Matanzas National Monument, Fort Mose, the Oldest House and the Oldest Wooden School House.

We spent more time enjoying the scenery than snapping pictures so this gallery isn't packed like most of the updates on this site. But isn't traveling about having fun and going with the flow anyway? After we took a self guided tour around the city we ended up at Harry's Seafood Bar and Grille for lunch.

Saint-Augustine-Florida-04 Saint-Augustine-Florida-05 Saint-Augustine-Florida-06

Engraved on the copper jug at the top of the page are the words "Cabana Tandil, Cremero 30 Litros, Tandil Buenos Aires Argentina 1922. I'm guessing that it was a container from a milk processing factory or a farm in Argentina.

St. Augustine Pier
Saint-Augustine-Florida-08 Saint-Augustine-Florida-09
Saint Augustine Shore
As the sun started to set, we got in our car and headed back to Gainesville through the speed trap towns of Waldo and Starke. The routine of 65mph to 55mph to 45mph to 35mph and then back up again, over and over was a pain, but St. Augustine was well worth the drive.

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